Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Data import / export with SQL Server Express using DTS Wizard

Just found this cool article on http://mobiledeveloper.wordpress.com/2007/01/31/data-import-export-with-sql-server-express-using-dts-wizard/ and without further ado :

There are IMHO two major annoyances with SQL Server Express :

- No Server Agent
- No Import / Export function (called Data Transformation Services – DTS in SQL Server 2000)

Missing the Server Agent means you have to make your own backup (or other) scheduling, but luckily DTS is possible – it is just not installed as default with SQL Server Express (SSE). It’s very strange to me why Microsoft did not just include in the standard install so that it was available from SQL Server Studio, but I’ll settle for just being happy that it exists at all!

Check if you already have it by looking for this file:c:\%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\dtswizard.exe. If you don’t have a ‘DTS’ directory (or even a ‘90′ directory) it has not been installed.

Here is how you get it:
- It is included in the SQL Server Express Edition Toolkit – and only that. It you have installed another version of SSE, it works fine to install this package afterwards without uninstalling the others. Get it here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=65111
- The DTS Wizard is included in the option “Business Intelligence Development Studio” so be sure to select that for install
- If you have installed another version of SSE, the installer might report that there is nothing to install. Override this by checking the checkboxthat displays the version number (in the installer wizard)

After install has finished, the DTS Wizard is available at c:\\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\dtswizard.exe
you might want to make a shortcut, or even include it on the tools menu of SQL Studio.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tabrakan tapi masih sempet update status FB ?


link diatas menceritakan satu orang gadis yang gak pake seatbelt, nyupir mobil sendiri, dan tabrakan dengan mobil laen waktu mobilnya lepas kontrol...

ironisnya.. dia masih hidup setelah tabrakan... dan masih sempet update status facebook.....

kalau emang masih hidup, kenapa juga gak langsung telp keluarga, polisi atau temen... cari bantuan.. supaya cepet diselamatkan....

sebegitu senengnya ya orang update status facebook....

BAHKAN.... pencuri pun sempet2nya buka facebook...

bener2 orang2 aneh..
jangan2 tim densus 88 waktu mau tangkep teroris juga ada yang update status facebook : "saya dengan tim lagi mengepung teroris..", atau jangan2 terorisnya yang lagi dikepung juga lagi update status facebook : "wah.. banyak polisi mengepung diluar... tolong kirim bantuan.."

atau.. orang tua kena serangan jantung.. dah sekarat... tulis di facebook : "duh.. kena serangan jantung... ayo cucu2.. cepet tolong kakek.. panggilin ambulans..."

oh well...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jual Toyota Avanza Tipe E 2005

Jual Toyota Avanza Tipe E 2005

daerah : cengkareng, jakbar..
Warna : Hitam
Tahun : 2005
Surat2 lengkap
Pajak sampai Oktober 2010
Aki 45 ampere (baru ganti 2 bulan lalu)
Bensin 1:10 kurang lebih (well.. kalu macet2an ya 1:8, tapi kalu sering naek tol keluar2 kota bisa ampe 1:12-13......)
A/C dingin
radio/CD Pioneer
KM : 30rb (service berkala di auto 2000)
tambahan :
- ada talang air di semua jendela pintu
- ada bemper belakang
- karpet selain bawaan avanza, jg dah ditambah karpet hitam..
- wiper baru ganti bulan lalu (jadi masih baru loh...)

oh ya.. dan ini tangan pertama (kecuali kalu bca mau diinclude sebagai pemegang pertama karena belinya dulu kpr)

foto :
harga pas aja 100 jt...
untuk penawaran, bisa langsung ke hp : 083893828684